Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A Gluc Setback: What would you do?

Right on schedule, I received my shipment of Glucosamine from Amazon yesterday.

I had asked some questions at my local natural foods store, done some research and decided on the MRM brand of Glucosamine/Chondroitin. I wanted the Gluc Sulfate, as recommended by the Mayo Clinic tests and the chondroitin manufactured from shellfish and the MRM brand fit the description. In addition, my fountain of information clerk at the natural foods store had good things to say about MRM (as well as  one other brand), with processing of the supplement ingredients, reputation, and customer trends being the main points I keyed in on.

That same day I ordered the supplements on Amazon (at $9 cheaper than the store). Unfortunately, as I was getting ready to take my first plunge into the unspoiled body pool, I twisted open the cap and down floated the safety seal. It was a big white, decomposing moth floating on the surface of my pool. Excited as I was, I couldn't go in the water thinking that the pills I would be taking might be filled with sugar, salt, or some other ballast.

I wonder if I am being too cautious, but I figure that I can wait a few more days. I also wonder how many other people have had this type of experience from online distributors, not being sure if what you received was the real supplement or actually was not what you ordered. My wife says it happens all the time and that was one of the reasons I ordered from Amazon. I thought they would be foolproof.

I have to push back the start date, but I must commend Amazon on their return policy. While I am sending back the compromised bottle tomorrow, they will be sending me a replacement (which is set to arrive on the 27th). In a vision of the perfect exchange program for consumers, the return and the replacement may arrive with simultaneous, across-country doorbells. Pretty cool.

Therefore, my less than perfect knee will have to wait another two days before it takes the rest of its body on this adventure. Let the countdown begin....again.

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