Sunday, April 29, 2012

Hesitant, but Off and Running with Glucosamine

All right! My shipment MRM Glucosamine/Chondroitin arrived yesterday. There was no problem with the safety seal this time (I had to send the last bottle back because the seal wasn't secured), so I was ready to begin my cartilage and synovial fluid replenishment.

Having a strong aversion to medication and supplements, I was initially very hesitant. I don't get the feeling that most people can relate to this feeling. Most people who I have talked to have related their experiences with vitamins and supplements that they use for health and beauty. I get the feeling that medicine cabinets are more like giant medicine pantries filled with the ingredients that, if added and sprinkled properly, will make the dish of your body into a perfectly flavored entree.

For me, though, I had always been the plain dish. Meat and potatoes. I never looked down on others who took vitamins and supplements, I just felt they were fighting a battle against Father Time, which I wasn't interested in doing. Furthermore, I thought pills were unnecessary if you ate right and exercised. Many people want the psychological edge/confidence that supplements, energy drinks, and other products give, but I never needed it.

This knee problem, though, had me flustered. I hate the thought of my body not being able to run properly without some medication. When I tore my ACL about 12 years ago, I had it replaced, got cortisone injections and rehabbed everyday. No medicine required. But the commitment I have here means that I will have to take Glucosamine for years. That was the toughest pill to swallow, knowing that this was the best option for being able to continue competing at sports. As I am sure many have said before me, I told myself, "Such is life," and hoped for the best.

Although the Arthritis & Glucosamine Center say there is no chance of overdosing from this product even if taking "many times the daily dose," I decided I would break the manufacturer's recommended three pills a day into dosages of two in the evening and one in the morning. The LiveStrong site advises that people should take the pills three times a day, but I would rather take them all at home rather than bring one to work and risk forgetting to take it or having it splatter in my bag.

The reason I started with two in the evening is because I believe that your body does most of its rejuvenating at night, when you're asleep. It seems logical that if I am trying to build up cartilage in my knee, I should do it when I am only using the joint for rubbing my feet together. If there is any factual evidence on whether this is true, I would love to know, but I did not come across any research into this.

So I have started my treatment. At present, I can walk up and down stairs with very minor pain. I can sit on a regular chair with minor pain. I can not sit on a low chair without strong pain. I can lift my foot high enough for my hand to grab it when stretching my quads, but straightening my leg from that position is very painful.

I will report back in two weeks. I hope to see some measurable improvement in those areas, although I realize it will take much more time to re-build what has taken me 43 years to wear down. With the timeline I create, others can get an idea of what their progress might be taking Glucosamine/Chondroitin supplements. Wish me luck!

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